Welcome to the City of Forest Hills!
Forest Hills is a small residential city in southwest Davidson County, Tennessee, along the northern border of Williamson County.
The area was developed as a suburb of Nashville in the wake of the post-World War II population and economic boom. Nashville has enjoyed prosperity and growth during the past several decades, which is reflected in the development of Forest Hills. Since 1970, hundreds of dwellings have been built in Forest Hills, and the community no longer retains many tracts of open space or farmland.
When the city of Nashville consolidated with Davidson County in 1963, Forest Hills was one of six (now five) existing cities that maintained its identity. Satellite city residents do not receive access to all city-county combined services; the City of Forest Hills provides many services such as chipper service, road maintenance, and stormwater management. Residents pay no property taxes to the City of Forest Hills; its funds come primarily from a share of the taxes imposed by the state of Tennessee.
The City is almost exclusively residential with no commercial development. High-density housing is prohibited.