Snow Removal and Salting

Snow removal and salting efforts begin with 29 priority streets, after which the contractor will service the remaining streets. 

All remaining streets in Forest Hills except Granny White Pike, Harding Place, Hillsboro Pike, Old Hickory Boulevard, private streets, and gated communities are maintained and paid for by the City of Forest Hills. No Metro money is provided to defray these costs.

The Parke Company

615-350-6033 (Regular)
615-201-9999 (Tree Emergency) 


Snow removal priority list

  1. Balbade Drive, Park Ridge, Chateau

  2. Crater Hill Drive, Chickering Park, Ridgewood

  3. Tyne Boulevard, Stuart Glen, Fredericksburg and Laurel Ridge, Robert E. Lee between Tyne and Otter Creek

  4. Cromwell Drive

  5. Kingsbury Drive

  6. Chickering Lane

  7. Otter Creek Road

  8. Hound’s Run Subdivision, Beddington Park from Granny White Pike, Estbury, Oakleigh Hill, Edenbridge Way from Otter Creek Road

  9. Stanford: North, South, and Court

  10. Taggartwood Drive, Cliftee Drive

  11. Mary Helen Drive

  12. McGrace Lane

  13. Toddington Drive

  14. Twinmont Court